Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Well, if this don't take the cake.

You'd think that after serving in three different wars, a fella would have seen it all. And to be sure, these peepers of mine have drank in some sights that would curl your hair : The introduction of artillery, the first aerial combat, soldiers wearing dresses, and more perforated bowels than I care to remember.

But here I am, pecking away at this new-fangled typewriter doohickey, and I'm told that all I have to do is hit "enter" and before you know it, Ol' Sherm's opinion will show up all around the world. At first I said "Holy Hemostat!" ( or maybe I said "Sufferin' Sheepdip!", I'm not sure - things are kinda foggy these days), but I'm trying to get the drop on all this newfangled technology. I guess it's a good thing we got that high-speed DSL line installed after all.

Anyhoo - I'll be making myself heard visa-vi this here page on a somewhat consistent basis. Check in and you can hear me squawk about this and that. Maybe I'll even post Mildred's special recipe for apple compote. If I can pry it out of her hands, that is. That woman is tougher than a belt made from a sun-burned rattlesnake.

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